Team Soils4Africa meets in Djerba, Tunisia (Sep 12-14, 2022) September 15, 2022
The Soils4Africa project team met in Djerba, Tunisia, during September 12-14, 2022; at its Annual Project Meeting and the meeting of regional hub coordinators who will oversee the field campaign in the East, West, North, South, and Central Africa regions.
The team stook stock of the project progress thus far, and took some key decisions regarding the field campaign. The campaign has officially begun, starting with the first soil samples collected and field observations made in Ghana, Nigeria, and Tunisia. It will soon be rolled out in other parts of Africa.
The meeting was preceded by a two-week training of national coordinators from northern Africa and field surveyors from Tunisia, in the Soils4Africa field campaign methodology. It was coordinated by IITA Nigeria-- which is the overall coordinator of the field campaign in the project—and IRA Tunisia, coordinator of the field campaign in North Africa.