Soils4Africa and peer H2020 projects organizes a cluster event during the Tropentag 2024 conference
During the Tropentag 2024 conference (Vienna, September 2024), Soils4Africa joins forces with four other H2020 projects (SustInAfrica, EWA-BELT, UPSCALE, and SustainSahel) to organize a cluster event on sustainable intensification in Africa. This side event provided a brief introduction to the projects, presented some of the key results, and engaged the audience in a critical discussion on relevant topics of fostering innovations, adoption of technologies in the agriculture sector, the values of data and information for sustainable intensifications amongst others.
From the presentations and panel discussion, the following conclusions were made:
- Active dissemination of (co-designed) innovations are crucial, and have been strongly promoted by sustainable intensification projects.
- Institutional (lack of public investment and uncoordinated messaging) and project-related (short duration) constraints limit the option space for sustainable uptake after project end.
- We need to explicitly recognize and address the complexities and context-dependency of innovation adoption pathways.
- Community-based dissemination and social innovations represents a crucial counterpoint to individual training & dissemination strategies